Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Sun or The Moon?

Through the nights, the flower have spent talking to the moon.
The flower gazed at the moon fondly.
And the moon looked down at the flower every night.
Singing her lullaby's, hoping one night to see to her bloom.
But the flower would bloom when the moon was gone by day.
And the moon would go up and see his flower close her petals.
Day by day, The flower grew to like the moon.
While the moon grew to love the flower every passing night.

But one day, the gardener took the flower from her spot,
She went to a more faraway and beautiful place where she was closer to the sun.
The sun, reminded her of the moon, who was as radiant as him.
The Sun would talk to the flower by day.
Telling her of how beautiful her petals are.
While the moon was sad when he saw his flower gone.
Slowly, The flower grew to like the Sun.
Because the Sun was closer to the flower.

The Sun told the flower he liked her.
But the flower was doubtful.
Yet, the flower told the Sun she liked him too.
But she was sad that they were not meant for each other.
For there was the moon who was still looking for her.
The moon whom she liked first, but the sun who was in her heart.

The moon she knew loved her deeply, forever.
But the sun whom confessed to her--she could not imagine.
For the sun shone too brightly, too high the flower could not even reach.
The sun and the moon deserved a star and not a flower.
The sun and the moon--the flower cannot be with.
For they were both heavenly bodies, belonging in the sky.
While she sprouted from the ground.

The flower grew to love the Sun than the Moon.
The Moon loved the flower to no ends.
And the Sun...
He maybe reading this.

If the flower could pick one to be with.
The flower would pick none of them.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Dear Me

I hope for the day to come when you look at yourself in the mirror and be satisfied with what you see. Instead of plaguing yourself with your own insecurities and negative criticisms; just be happy, content, and smile. No one is born perfect, so don’t try to shape yourself to what other people think. In every aspect, you are unique, strong, and beautiful just the way you are and in what you do. You may not be as smart as the people you know nor as pretty as the people you see, and you make mistakes often, but at least you know that deep inside—despite thinking you are unloved and unwanted—you are capable to love and receive love. You are not ugly. You are not stupid. What matters is you are being you, and not someone else.

I know you are afraid of being left behind and to be attached to something that you might lose some day. When no one is there to comfort you, you comfort yourself.  But do you see how indifferent you have become? Do you realize how much you have changed? There is a fine line between protecting yourself and being numb. Before it’s too late, hold on to those people you hold dear. Stop being afraid for a moment, do you what you want to do, free yourself and do the things you never dreamed of doing. Always remember that you are only weak, when you make yourself weak. You are simply a normal human being, nothing more and nothing less. Thus, like most people, you are capable of what some people can and can’t do.

You are not lonely so stop drowning yourself with loneliness. There are people around you who consider you as a friend and even more than that. Despite the difficulties, there are still people who are willing to help you despite having their own problems. So open your eyes and stop being blind. You think being ignorant is a good thing but you know it isn’t, you’re just pretending to not see or hear, because you are scared again of what might happen next. So, why don’t you ask yourself: “Do you remember?” and recall the moments you spent with your family, friends, classmates, and even your enemies; remember every memory you can. As you finish, I know you’re about to cry. You feel pain and it just proves that you are indeed a human being with a heart.

Of course, life goes on; and you only get to live once in a lifetime. So make most of the moments you have by doing however you want, and what will make you happy…

Dear me.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

My Unforgettable Moments

note: boring stuff. not edited.

My father used to visit me every year from Samar. He would come to pick me up in his red van with my grandpa and cousins.  And after that, he would give me lots of gifts and toys which were mostly cooking utensils and creative stuffs. When we arrived in Samar, I would usually greet my grandma and do the traditional “mano po”, but during my father’s last visit, it was around the time my mother met her Australian boyfriend. The last day he came to pick me up, I remember bringing my Nintendo Gameboy with me (a gift from my mom’s Australian boyfriend) and I lent it to him. At night, I would look at him play with it and be amazed when he managed to get into the last stage of Zelda.
I guess it’s also an unforgettable moment when my family and I went to Hong Kong. To be frank, the food there was terrible, except the desserts. We stayed in Disney Hollywood hotel for some days and had a grand breakfast, it was very fulfilling (I could actually recognize the dishes). After breakfast, we rode a train to Disneyland. And in Disneyland, we took pictures with Mickey Mouse and Minnie, I rode a moving car, a roller coaster and I saw an amazing 4D movie with the pictures coming out of the screen, like I was actually inside the movie. I can say that I enjoyed it, but not entirely. The most fun I got in Hong Kong was mostly in Ocean Park where I rode a train (which was getting attacked by large octopuses and squids) and where I also rode the Dragon (another roller coaster) and the Flash which helped me get over with my fear of heights. My visit there was wonderful.
Another unforgettable moment was when I was just a kid, I met a boy named Gabriel.  I guess when I was first saw him I was bashful, I didn’t know him of course, but I heard that he was the grandson of my Lola’s friend. He was taller than me by a few centimeters and his skin was pale and white. His eyes were small, which made me think that he was Chinese. He looked nice, maybe cute but I didn’t know that back then (I was about 4-6 years old I think) but I was dead wrong. He was not entirely nice, he was mean and naughty, he teased me the first day we played together. We played swords with a curtain hanger, and he popped my balloon which really made me feel bad. But on the positive side, he lent me his Nintendo PS which was actually nice of him. After that day, they went back to Australia and I never met him again. But lately, his grandma told me he could still remember me.
I used to ask my mom how my father was when she first met him. She said that he was attractive to her, not because he was handsome (personally, I don’t think so lol) but because he just dresses up nicely. She also told me that she liked his build which was not skinny but bulky. I usually enjoyed it when she was talking about him because I felt that I never really had gotten to know my father. I didn’t even know his birthday or his age. At least, my mother told me about him and how much she liked him singing and playing with his guitar. My father was a quiet and smart type and he had a lot of ex-girlfriends (which I doubt). She even told me that she used to hide when she sees him. My father didn’t like her at first (I think he preferred the smarty-type lol which I admit mom isn’t). Mom told me he ignored her most of the time until she became clingy and she did everything for him to notice her until they eventually fell in love.
                To be continued?